
Saturday, November 12, 2016

David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring book by Mel Elliott

I never really listened to David Bowie. I didn't think that I could be so interested in his music. However, I read this book as I colored away, and I become interested in someone that was unique. This little book holds so much information. It was a surprise to me at how interested I was in something so small. The pages are weirdly impressive. I really enjoyed this book.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Doodletopia: Fairies by Christopher Hart

Doodletopia is fun and easy to do. There are a variety of pictures to learn to draw. The details are easy to follow. I found myself to lose the time and I enjoyed the creativeness that this book allows myself and my child to have. There are a variety of pictures to decide from and it's difficult level is mid-level, not too hard. I received this book from